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Dietary Detail Test Form

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We are looking forward to you joining us at this year’s Dine with Davina. To ensure you have the best time please complete the following form and add any dietary requirements you may have.
Guest details
Lunch preferences
Dietary requirements
Contact info
We will use your contact details to send you information about our annual Dine with Davina event. Your name and dietary preferences will be passed to the venue for the purposes of this event only and will not be retained by the venue longer than 30 days after the event.
On another guest behalf
Keep in touch
We would love to keep in touch about other social events, our research, and how you can help us to save and change children’s lives through fundraising, events and volunteering opportunities.
General news email
(For more about the charity and volunteering opportunities)
We will always keep your details safe and secure and will not sell or swap your details with anyone. You can read our full Privacy Policy.
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