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We are the leading UK-wide medical research charity dedicated to helping babies and children.

Vici Syndrome

Emmy’s story

Emmy has Vici syndrome, a very rare and life-limiting genetic disorder. Sadly, there is currently no cure or effective treatment and most affected children lose their lives at a very young age. Action Medical Research is funding research to better understand and target the cellular processes that go wrong in Vici syndrome – and to test existing drugs that could help.

KCNT1-related epilepsy

Paddy's Story

Paddy has KCNT1-related epilepsy, a rare disease which has no cure and has left him severely disabled. Since he was a tiny baby, he has suffered thousands of seizures. Most devastatingly of all, children with this condition often don’t live into double figures. Action Medical Research is funding research at the University of Leeds to help identify chemical compounds that could form the basis of urgently needed new medicines for children with KCNT1-related epilepsies.

Hunter syndrome

Danny's Story

Danny’s family are painfully aware that time with their youngest son will be cruelly cut short by Hunter syndrome, a rare disease with no cure and limited treatment options. Action Medical Research and LifeArc are jointly funding research at the University of Manchester to help improve gene therapy for Hunter syndrome. “Danny lives in the moment and enjoys whatever he has. His smile is totally infectious, and he wins hearts wherever he goes,” says his mum, Sally.

Hypoplastic Left heart Syndrome (HLHS)

Jessica’s Story

Tragically, the rare heart condition Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) claimed little Jessica’s life. Parents Michael and Louise describe their family’s heartbreak and hope for the future as Dr Pablo Lamata develops 3D computer modelling to help babies and their surgeons.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Jack's Story

Born three months early, Jack spent the first four and a half months of his life in hospital. He needed oxygen, help with his breathing, and feeding tubes to survive. He contracted the life-threatening bowel condition necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).

Premature birth

Elijah's Story

Elijah was born extremely prematurely at 25 weeks and three days, weighing less than 2lbs. Tragically, he lived for just 37 days after contracting the devastating bowel infection necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).

Juvenile Batten Disease

Toby, Corey and Izzy's Story

Discovering that three of their children have the devastating, rare condition juvenile Batten disease has, says mum Dee, left the family feeling numb.

Cerebral palsy

Alfie’s story

Alfie is a lively nine-year-old who loves jokes and playing tricks on people. “He’s a cheeky boy who always wants to have fun,” says mum Samantha. But for Alfie, who has cerebral palsy, having fun is a daily struggle.

Small steps, big breakthroughs

Action Medical Research is the leading UK-wide charity funding vital research to help sick and disabled babies, children and young people. Please watch and share this film..

More Action videos

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