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Reading riders prepare for Sussex cycling challenge

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A group of Berkshire-based cyclists are preparing for a fundraising cycling challenge next month for Action Medical Research, the UK-wide children’s charity.

Abby Lacey, an Office Manager from Reading, is currently training for ‘Davina’s Big Sussex Bike Ride’, a family-friendly event hosted by one of the organisation’s celebrity supporters Davina McCall.

There are three different routes to choose from to suit all ages and abilities: 21, 40 or 68 miles. They all start and end at the East Sussex National Golf Club, Uckfield on Sunday 25 June. Abby explains why she’s getting involved: “In 1990 I was lucky enough (!) to undergo surgery for scoliosis. It is something that changed my life, allowing me to pursue an active lifestyle and take on these sorts of challenges.

“Action Medical Research has funded many studies in this area and it’s probably fair to say that without Action, I might not be on my bike!”

Abby certainly won’t be riding alone. Last year around 450 cyclists took part, helping to raise more than £32,000 for the charity. But Abby will also have some close friends riding alongside her: “Last year me and my group of merry maidens formed #TeamBadInfluences and so we will all be having a go.

“I’ve known most of the girls for almost four years as our kids are all at school together. Some of them have been lifelong friends. They’re a great bunch – we spur each other on to take on these sorts of challenges.”

‘Team Bad Influences’ will all be cycling different routes and hope to raise £3,000 for Action. You can sponsor them here

To find out more information about Davina’s Big Sussex Bike Ride and to register, tap here.

Action Medical Research is a UK-wide children’s charity which funds desperately needed research to tackle the diseases that devastate the lives of so many of our children. It has been funding medical breakthroughs since it began in 1952 including helping to introduce the first polio vaccines in the UK, developing the use of ultrasound in pregnancy and testing the rubella vaccine.

The charity is currently funding research into conditions including asthma, prematurity, epilepsy, meningitis, cerebral palsy, brain cancer and some rare and distressing conditions.





To download a photo of Abby Lacey:

To download a photo of #TeamBadInfluences:

(Caroline Sheridan, Katie Caldwell, Kate Whitmarsh, Lucy Brackstone, Ruth Beale, Sara Wilde, Saz Phillips, Sinead McDermott)

You can read more about our research into Scoliosis here:


For more information on Action Medical Research, contact Peter Denton, Fundraising Communications Officer, on:
T: 01403 327480
W: action.org.uk

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Action Medical Research is a leading UK-wide charity saving and changing children’s lives through medical research. For 65 years we’ve helped pioneer ways to prevent disease and develop treatments benefiting millions of people. Our research has helped to beat polio in the UK, develop ultrasound in pregnancy, fight meningitis and prevent stillbirths. But we urgently need to develop more new treatments and cures for sick babies and children and we can’t do it without you.

Join our fight for little lives today.

Charity reg. nos 208701 and SC039284.

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