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Dine with cycling stars and raise funds for children’s charity Action Medical Research at the Champions of CycleSport Dinner 2024

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Action Medical Research is hosting the best talent in cycling at this year’s CycleSport Dinner at a spectacular location next to London’s Hyde Park.

Join cycling legends Gee Atherton, Joanna Rowsell, Pfeiffer Georgi, Rochelle Gilmore, Connor Swift and Lizzie Deignan for some fun and fundraising – all in the name of the bike!

The fifteenth edition of the Champions of CycleSport Dinner, sponsored by Garmin, Lifeplus and ERDINGER Alkoholfrei, will be taking place on Wednesday 20 November 2024 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London. This unique event will allow you and your guests to dine with some of the greatest riders in the world, including a special attendee list of Next Generation riders, and celebrate cycling at this stand-alone end-of-season occasion.

Twenty Champion Cyclists are expected to attend and you can pay for them to join you on your table – where else can you get such intimate access to some of the best sporting legends in the world? Visit to book your table for this year’s black-tie event.

Champions line up on stage at 2023 event

Last year’s ‘new blood’ edition of the annual Champions of CycleSport Dinner saw the sport’s newest stars AJ August, Zoe Backstedt, Cat Ferguson, Niamh Fisher-Black and Jack Rootkin-Gray join forces with established legends Sean Kelly, Sean Yates, Yanto Barker, Nico Roche, Joanna Rowsell MBE OLY and Mark Beaumont BEM show their support and help to raise over £250,000 for Action Medical Research, the leading UK-wide children’s charity dedicated to funding research to tackle the diseases that devastate the lives of so many of our children.

British National Road Race Championship Winner, Pfeiffer Georgi, says: “I am proud to be an ambassador for the Champions of CycleSport Dinner which is undoubtably the best event in the cycling social calendar. Action Medical Research do amazing work to help children affected by disease and disability and every year you hear personal stories which always make you want to donate. The money that is raised is so important, and it’s an honour to attend alongside interesting people who share a love of cycling.”

Action has been funding medical breakthroughs since it began in 1952, including helping to introduce the first polio vaccines in the UK, developing the use of ultrasound in pregnancy and testing the rubella vaccine. The charity is driving forward children’s research into conditions including epilepsy, prematurity, meningitis, cerebral palsy, brain cancer and some rare and distressing conditions. Learn more about Action’s work here:  

We are excited to welcome back event sponsors Garmin, who make products that are engineered on the inside, for life on the outside and Lifeplus, a holistic wellbeing company who formulate and manufacture high quality nutritional supplements, sports nutrition and personal care products. We are delighted to welcome our new Drinks Sponsor ERDINGER Alkoholfrei who will provide thirst-quenching isotonic drinks for guests.

“Action Medical Research do a fantastic job in making a real difference to children and families affected by disease and disability. We return as sponsors of the event year after year because it's such a warm and welcoming celebratory evening for the cycling community that supports this amazing cause." – Jon Oliver, MD at Garmin UK & Ireland.

“Action Medical Research do a brilliant job funding quality research to help save and change children's lives. Lifeplus are delighted to return as sponsors to this special event which celebrates cycling and raises funds for a worthwhile cause.” – Malcolm Vincent, Managing Director, Lifeplus.

Tickets for the event start at £2,600 for a table of 10. To find out more and book your table for the Champions of CycleSport Dinner on Wednesday 20 November 2024 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London, visit:


Notes for editors:

For a selection of images from the 2023 Champions of CycleSport Dinner, click here.

Follow us on social media @actionmedres and @actionevents.

Action Medical Research is the leading UK-wide charity dedicated to saving and changing children’s lives through medical research. For over 70 years we’ve helped pioneer ways to prevent disease and develop treatments benefiting millions of people. Our research has helped to beat polio in the UK, develop ultrasound in pregnancy, fight meningitis and prevent stillbirths. But we urgently need to develop more new treatments and cures for sick babies and children and we can’t do it without you.

Join our fight for little lives today.

Charity reg. nos 208701 and SC039284.

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