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670 miles is a long way to cycle.
But that’s exactly how far Dan Sinclair and his teammates will be riding when they tackle the London-Paris-Geneva bike ride for Action Medical Research.
“It’s definitley going to be a challenge” admits the 29-year-old, “but Shaun and I rode the London-Paris leg last year, so I know what I’m getting myself into!”
Dan Sinclair is the Sales Manager at the Swindon-based ‘Cross Street Garage’.
He and three colleagues (Trevor Foster, Shaun Rudman and Mark Waring-Jones) will be starting the challenge on Wednesday 25 July and aim to complete the route on Friday 3 August.
It forms part of a number of physical challenges that Dan is taking on for Action this year in a bid to raise £20,000:
“My wife Emma and I were blessed with twin girls around five years ago. Both Millie and Scarlett were born with Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
“I had never heard of the condition, but when it affects your little ones you quickly learn.
“Sadly Scarlett passed away. We were absolutely devastated.
“I enjoy keeping active and while searching for events to take part in I stumbled across Action and found out more about the many areas of research the charity helps fund. From that day forward I wanted to do what I could to help raise money to find future cures.”
So far this year Dan has taken part in the Trek The Night: Cotswold Way.
Once he completes this marathon bike ride challenge, he’ll take on the Race The Sun: Lake District in September.
You can find out more about his year so far – and sponsor him – here.
Action is a UK-wide children’s charity which funds desperately needed research to tackle the diseases that devastate the lives of so many of our children. It has been funding medical breakthroughs since it began in 1952 including helping to introduce the first polio vaccines in the UK, developing the use of ultrasound in pregnancy and testing the rubella vaccine.
The charity is currently funding research into areas including premature birth, epilepsy, asthma, scarlet fever, cerebral palsy, brain cancer and some rare and distressing conditions.
To download a photo of Dan:
To download a photo of the Action logo:
Dan’s fundraising page:
You can find out more about NEC:
For more information on Action Medical Research contact Peter Denton, Fundraising Communications Officer, on:
T: 01403 327412
W: action.org.uk
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Action Medical Research is a leading UK-wide charity saving and changing children’s lives through medical research. For more than 65 years we’ve helped pioneer ways to prevent disease and develop treatments benefiting millions of people. Our research has helped to beat polio in the UK, develop ultrasound in pregnancy, fight meningitis and prevent stillbirths. But we urgently need to develop more new treatments and cures for sick babies and children and we can’t do it without you.
Join our fight for little lives today.
Charity reg. nos 208701 and SC039284.