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‘Sparkle for Action’ returns to Glasgow to raise funds for children’s charity

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Former Miss Scotland Lucy Kerr, will once again host the ‘Sparkle for Action’ fundraiser at Oran Mor on Saturday, 24 March for Action Medical Research. 

There will be plenty of fun and entertainment with Capital FM presenter Garry Spence  helping to get everyone in the party mood! Guests will be able to enjoy a drinks reception at 7pm followed by a delicious three-course meal and live music from five piece band ‘Circus’.

Lucy says: “We’re thrilled to be organising ‘Sparkle for Action’ again to raise funds for my favourite charity. 

“Last year we raised over £21,000 for research into Neuroblastoma which was being done at the University of Glasgow.  I’ve seen the awful effects of this condition and want to continue to do as much as I can to help.” 

Around 100 children are diagnosed with neuroblastoma each year in the UK1,2. Most are young – less than five years old3,4 – and although treatment often proves life-saving, it has side effects and doesn’t always work. Sadly around a third of children lose their lives within five years of being diagnosed with neuroblastoma4.

Lucy, 20, was crowned Miss Scotland in 2016 and pledged to support the children’s charity during her reign. 

She continues to be an ambassador for the charity and wants to help raise awareness of Action in Scotland and much-needed funds for the charity: “This year’s ‘Sparkle for Action’ promises to be even bigger and better; my Mum and Dad have both been such a huge help in getting everything organised – I can’t wait!”

Tickets are £70 per person or £700 for a table of 10.  For further information and to book your table please contact Jill Kerr via email (jill.kerr1@btopenworld.com) or call 07887 491992.

Action Medical Research is a UK-wide children’s charity which funds desperately needed research to tackle the diseases that devastate the lives of so many of our children.

It has been funding medical breakthroughs since it began in 1952 including helping to introduce the first polio vaccines in the UK, developing the use of ultrasound in pregnancy and testing the rubella vaccine.

The charity is currently funding research into conditions including asthma, prematurity, epilepsy, meningitis, cerebral palsy, brain cancer and some rare and distressing conditions.




  1. NHS Choices. Neuroblastoma. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/neuroblastoma/Pages/Introduction.aspx Website accessed 25 June 2014.
  2. The Neuroblastoma Society. Home page. http://neuroblastoma.org.uk/ Website accessed 25 June 2014.
  3. The Neuroblastoma Society. Neuroblastoma FAQs. http://neuroblastoma.org.uk/families/neuroblastoma-faqs/ Website accessed 30 June 2014.
  4. Cancer Research UK. Childhood cancer survival statistics. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-info/cancerstats/childhoodcancer/... Website accessed 16 September 2014.


Action is funding two current research projects in Glasgow:



Action is currently funding a number of research projects looking at Neuroblastoma including:

Newcastle University

University College London

See a full list of research projects.


To download a picture of Lucy Kerr at the  2017 Sparkle for Action event, please click here:



To download a picture of Lucy Kerr with her parents – Jill and Simon Kerr – please click here:


To read more about the research mentioned above, please visit:


To read more about the 2017 Sparkle event:



For more information on Action Medical Research, contact Peter Denton, Fundraising Communications Officer, on:

T: 01403 327480
E: pdenton@action.org.uk
W: www.action.org.uk
Follow us on Twitter at @actionmedres and @amr_events 
Like our Facebook page at facebook.com/actionmedres
Follow us on Instagram at @actionmedres and @actionevents 

Action Medical Research is a leading UK-wide charity saving and changing children’s lives through medical research. For more than 65 years we’ve helped pioneer ways to prevent disease and develop treatments benefiting millions of people. Our research has helped to beat polio in the UK, develop ultrasound in pregnancy, fight meningitis and prevent stillbirths. But we urgently need to develop more new treatments and cures for sick babies and children and we can’t do it without you.

Join our fight for little lives today.

Charity reg. nos 208701 and SC039284.

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