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Cerebral palsy: can regular exercise through RaceRunning improve health and mobility?

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What did the project achieve?

Cerebral palsy, which is usually caused by damage to a baby’s brain before, during or soon after birth, is a lifelong condition where children develop stiff muscles, and bone and joint deformities that can affect their muscle control and movement. This pilot study investigated the potential benefits of regular exercise with RaceRunning – now called Frame Running – on improving the lives of children with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy who have considerable difficulties with their walking.

“Our findings show that Frame Running – an innovative sport for people with disabilities – is a feasible, enjoyable and safe activity for children and young people with severe walking difficulties,” says Dr Marietta van der Linden at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. “Regular participation may also offer potential health and mobility benefits, but larger studies will be needed to confirm this.”

Fifteen young people with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy – averaging 13 years of age –  took part in the study, engaging in one-hour weekly training sessions for 12 weeks.*

“Children told us they enjoyed the sense of freedom and speed of Frame Running – and that it provided them with opportunities to be active and competitive,” says Dr van der Linden. “Their parents also appreciated its dual role – as it both serves as a sporting activity and a physiotherapy or rehabilitation tool.”

The researchers also analysed mobility and fitness data collected from the study participants before and after the intervention period. This revealed promising trends in their muscle strength and self-reported improvements in walking performance – such as their ability to walk for longer periods and uphill

“The funding from Action has allowed us to collect important data on the feasibility of Frame Running for children and young people with cerebral palsy,” says Dr van der Linden. “Furthermore, it has facilitated and accelerated the integration of Frame Running group into an existing athletics club in Scotland – broadening access to regular exercise sessions to more children and the opportunity to benefit from the potential positive impact on their lives.”

*Unfortunately, due to the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the team did not meet their original aim of recruiting 25 participants. They were also unable to collect outcome measures over the full 24 weeks for most of the participants.

This research was completed on

Cerebral palsy is the most common serious physical disability in children, affecting around 2,000 babies born in the UK each year.1,2 Children with the condition develop stiff muscles, and bone and joint deformities – which can make it challenging for them to take part in physical activities. Dr Marietta van der Linden at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh and Dr Jennifer Ryan of Brunel University are leading a pilot study to investigate the potential benefits of regular exercise on the health and mobility of young people with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy. Their results could lead to improvements quality of life and independence for children – and reduce their risk of developing diseases in adulthood associated with inactivity.

Action Medical Research and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Charitable Trust are together funding this study

How are children’s lives affected now?

Cerebral palsy, which is usually caused by damage to a baby’s brain before, during or soon after birth, is a lifelong condition where children develop stiff muscles, and bone and joint deformities that can affect their muscle control and movement.

“A child with cerebral palsy may have difficulties walking and so can find it challenging to take part in physical activities – and this can lead to a lack of exercise that often starts early on in childhood and persists throughout their lives,” says Dr van der Linden.  

Low levels of physical activity may impact on a child’s everyday mobility and quality of life. It could also increase their risk of developing certain diseases – such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes – that are more common in people with cerebral palsy.

“Finding new ways to increase physical activity in children with cerebral palsy could have long-lasting positive effects on their health and wellbeing,” says Dr Ryan.

How could this research help?

“Our goal is to find out whether RaceRunning is a feasible exercise option to provide benefits for muscle function, mobility and long-term health of children with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy,” says Dr Ryan.

The team is exploring whether regular exercise with RaceRunning – an innovative sport for people with disabilities – can help improve the lives of children with cerebral palsy who are unable to walk independently or propel a wheelchair.

“We hope that these custom-built running bikes can enable children to take part in aerobic activities that can help improve their overall fitness,” says Dr van der Linden.

The pilot study will involve 25 children and young people with cerebral palsy who will take part in a one-hour weekly training for 24 weeks. The results will indicate if participants find this enjoyable and suggest if it has any positive health benefits.

“If our results are promising, they will inform the design of a larger study involving participants in the UK and abroad,” says Dr Ryan.


1. Wimalasundera, N. & Stevenson, V.L., Cerebral palsy. BMJ Practical Neurology 2016; 16:184-194.

2. Office for National Statistics. Overview of the UK population: November 2018 [website accessed 12 Dec 2018]





Project Leader Dr Marietta L van der Linden, MSc PhD and Dr Jennifer M Ryan, BSc PG Dip PhD
Project Team Dr Pelly Koufaki, BSc PhDDr, Nicola Theis, BSc MSc PhD Dr Nana K Anokye BA MSc PhDDr Shaun Phillips BSc MSc PhD
Project Location Centre for Health, Activity and Rehabilitation Research, Queen Margaret University and Department of Clinical Sciences, Brunel University
Project Location Other School of Sport and Exercise, University of Gloucestershire, Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Project duration 1 year
Date awarded 23 November 2018
Project start date 1 April 2019
Project end date

1 May 2023

Grant amount £72,422
Grant code GN2767


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