Daisy, who was born 13 weeks early, is now at school and has recently started gymnastics - and has become a big sister to baby Poppy, who also arrived early, five weeks before her due date. But Daisy's earliest days were a roller coaster of ups and downs.
Born weighing just 1 lb 8.5 oz, Daisy was ventilated five times, treated for a potentially deadly bowel condition and had laser treatment for retinopathy, a condition that can damage the sight of premature babies. She also suffered collapsed lungs and pneumonia, and had suspected meningitis.
When Daisy was four weeks old, she took part in a trial funded by Action Medical Research to test a new way of measuring the heart rate of babies undergoing resuscitation. The SurePulse sensor (previously known as the Heartlight sensor) is a small electronic device that can be placed on the baby’s forehead to provide continuous information about its heart rate.
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