Emily was born at just 34 weeks after her mum, Tracy, developed pre-eclampsia – a condition which affects up to eight per cent of pregnant women worldwide and is a leading cause of death and illness in both mothers and babies.
Emily now loves music, nursery rhymes and getting into mischief. “She is happy, very lively and rules the roost!” says proud mum Tracy.
Determined to copy big sister Jessica, who’s three, Emily started walking at 13 months. For Tracy and husband Martin, every step is a little miracle.
People are amazed at the sight of her. She’s so tiny, they can’t believe she’s walking.”
Tracy says.
“I had swollen ankles, and a bit of heartburn that wouldn’t go away, but I had none of the other symptoms of pre-eclampsia, such as very bad headaches,” Tracy explains.
But when she went for an antenatal check with her consultant at 33 weeks, worrying symptoms including high blood pressure and traces of protein in her urine were discovered. To Tracy’s shock, she was admitted straight away. Baby Emily was delivered at 34 weeks weighing just 3lbs 8oz and stayed in hospital for four weeks.
Emily with her mum, older sister and dad
Unable to hold her new baby for 24 hours, the first cuddle is one Tracy will never forget: “I just couldn’t believe how small she was. You see premature babies on the TV but you don’t realise how tiny they are until you hold your own,” she says. “Emily is still small – she wears clothes for age 6-9 months even though she’s now 14 months – but she’s healthy and happy,” Tracy adds. “We have been so lucky.”
You never like to think about what could have gone wrong, but I know research like this could potentially save lives. If it could help even one mother and baby it is worthwhile.”
Tracy says.
Have you been affected by premature birth or pre-eclampsia?